Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today was the second day that we worked on making cards for soldiers in Afghanistan. They are away from home for a long time and we want to make them smile. We drew pictures of ourselves and soldiers, hearts, and the American flag.

We learned that there are strategies in math, just like we have strategies in reading and writing. Today we learned to draw pictures to help us when we add. Sammy brought in books to send. Darren brought in a magazine to send.

In P.E., we are jumping rope. We use the rope in different ways: going forward, going backwards, making shapes and jumping inside and out, or even work with a partner!

In Writer’s Workshop we were looking over our writing to make improvements from our checklist. Once that was done, we tried to fix our spelling in 3 different ways: write it 3 ways and circle the one that looks right, look and find it around the room, and think about spelling strategies.

The heartprints are starting to come in. So far we have left 44! We’re almost half way to our goal of 100 heartprints!

From Ms. Stern:
Next Thursday is the Rockland Read-In. Schools across Rockland County participate to promote the love of reading. The children in Room 66 will spend 2 hours reading independently. They may bring in one pillow and/or one blanket to get comfy while reading. They may also bring in a few books from home (as long as they are books that can be read by the children). Parents are invited to come in and read along with us. If you are available, stop by our classroom with some reading materials of your own (newspaper, book, etc.) to demonstrate the importance of being a lifelong reader. We hope to see you on Thursday!

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