Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010: 100th Day of School

Today was the 100th day of school! We did lots of activities having to do with 100. One activity was to write 100 words that we know. We discussed strategies to use. Word association was one idea. If we think of a flag that might make us think of stars or stripes or red, white, or blue. Another strategy was to think of words in groups like names, family members, or colors. Thinking of spelling or sight words was another idea. Some people finished. Other children are still working on writing 100 words.

We discovered that 100 seconds is the same as 1 minute and 40 seconds. We had a name writing contest to see who could write their name the most times in 100 seconds and then we graphed our results. More children wrote their name 16-20 times than any other group. Dylan wrote her name more times (32) than anyone else!
Ms. Stern read us a story called 100th Day Worries. It was about a girl named Jessica who worries about everything. She has to bring in a 100 collection. On the day that it was due, her family helped her to find groups of 10 objects. In all, she had 9 groups which meant only 90 objects. But during lunch time, Jessica reads a note from her mom that was signed with 10 kisses (x’s). Finally, 10 groups of 10…100 in all!

Next, we started working on writing 100 things that we have learned in first grade so far. We came up with 10 different groups. Together, we created a list of 10 things that we learned in P.E. Then each table chose another group from the list and everyone at the four tables needed to come up with 10 different things that they’ve learned for that group. So far, we have 50 things that we’ve learned! Another way that we used 100 was to work with a partner to find the date 100 days from now. We also had to figure out what we think the temperature will be like then and draw a picture of ourselves doing something that might happen then. Lots and lots of people came really close and came up with June 6th as the date. Actually, June 4th will be the date in 100 days.

We got a really great math challenge…100 addition problems to try to complete in 10 minutes. Everyone was free to do it in the best way for them: some skipped around on the page, some people went across the rows, and some children worked best in columns. Ms. Stern told us that she wanted us to try our best, use all of our time, be positive, and focus only on your own work. Doing your best is better than doing more problems carelessly! Everyone worked really hard and really well during the 10 minutes…in fact, everyone was so positive about it that we earned a marble! We are going to be working on this same task every week for the rest of the year. Ms. Stern is looking to see that everyone works to improve their personal best score, no matter what it is. When children get a 95 or higher on addition they move to subtraction. If someone gets 95 or higher on subtraction, they will try addition (and then subtraction) in 5 minutes. Two children blew Ms. Stern out of the water by completing 95 or more on the very first try!

We had to do some creative thinking. Ms. Stern gave each of us a 1 and two 0’s (100). We had to use those numbers to make a picture. There were lots of neat and unusual ideas. Some of our ideas were: snowmen, headphones, butterflies, cars, angels, ice cream cones, and even a ring toss! Dylan A. thought that was the best 100th day project ever!
During gym today we played Wheel of Torture. Anthony D. was the winner. He paid careful attention and didn’t get hit by the rope! Then we did the chicken dance. Next we did the limbo. We are getting ready for the dance festival (which will be on March 4th).

Some children worked on a coloring and counting activity at the end of the day. We had to color the objects and then count how many there were of each. Meaghan thought the easy part was coloring but the challenging part was counting how many!

Our final 100th day challenge was to see who could stand on 1 foot for 100 seconds. Putting your foot down, falling or talking meant that you had to sit down. At the end of 100 seconds, 6 students were still standing! Way to go Amanda, Meaghan, Nancy, Sarah, Hunter, and Adam!
100 days have now passed. 80 more to go!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010: Valentine's Day

Today was the Rockland Read In. Everyone in our class read from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. We took a quick break a little after 10:00 for a special snack. We had strawberries and special chocolate covered pretzels that EVERYONE in the class could enjoy! Everyone read different things. Some parents came to read as well. At times, people read in groups. There were lots of books to enjoy! Many children brought books in from home, read from their book bags, and read some others from our classroom library. Some parents brought in reading materials for themselves. Ms. Stern was reading a magazine for part of the time. She also read with other children. Emma thought the best part of the Read In was the snack. Adam enjoyed having his pillow and his mom here. Eesha liked when she, Sarah, and Lauria were taking turns reading together. In all, we spent about 1 hour and 52 minutes reading today!

After the Read In, we had our Valentine’s Day party. Lots of children passed out valentines. Our decorated mailboxes were filled with lots of goodies and special treats. Sasha enjoyed reading Eesha’s card because she was wondering what was in it. Dylan A. really liked the lollipops and poems.
We went to the gym. We played with Sammy Snake again. We had to jump a lot of times in a row. When someone missed a step, everyone had to start again. Coach Spitz was there for Coach Hudson, who was absent today.

Ms. Stern read us a few books: Heartprints (that’s how we start each day in the month of February), Today is Valentine’s Day, Knuffle Bunny Too, and That Yucky Love Stuff.

Thanks to everyone who stopped in to read with/to us today: Dylan’s mom, Jacob’s mom, Sarah’s mom, Eesha’s mom, Adam’s mom, Sasha’s mom, Victoria’s mom, Emma’s mom, Drew’s dad, step-mom, and grandparents, Anthony’s mom, and Amanda’s mom. Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your vacation and remember to keep those heartprints coming!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This week is a review week in spelling. We worked on a long vowel word sort. We had to cut out words and paste them in the correct long vowel box. Then we had to write two words of our own that fit the spelling rule. It was kind of hard coming up with our own words. Lots of words have long vowel sounds but don’t match the vcv spelling rules!

This morning we made valentine mailboxes. Everyone got a white bag. We wrote our names nice and big so that everyone can see it clearly. Each table was given hearts and valentine confetti to decorate the bags. Almost everyone in the class wanted a red heart doilly to include. We used glue and markers to make designs. Some people drew peace signs, rainbows, smiley faces, and stars. Amanda included a cupid on hers! The last step was to add silver glitter at the very end. Once we finished decorating our bags, we got our reading book bags. Tuesday shoppers shopped for new books.

After lunch we went to the library. We played a game called Kid Keys. It was about typing. We had to press the letters when we heard a sound and saw a picture. When we typed the letters properly, the program would play a song at the end. While half the class was in the lab the other half of the class was looking for books. Dylan A. is going to be the next star reader.

We played Sammy Snake. Kids have to jump over Sammy (the jump rope). When he wakes up he starts sliding side to side. Then he gets stuck around a tree and spins around. We have to avoid touching Sammy. Sarah thinks the hardest part is going under the jump rope. Dylan thinks the most fun part is when Sammy is swinging around.

We read another P.K. Hallinan book called How Do I Love You? Everyone turned and talked to their partner to share what they think love is. Just like each of us has different thumbprints, our thinking reflects who we are. Ms. Stern loves when we share our thoughts and ideas. That makes life and learning much more fun than “cookie cutter” ideas that are all exactly the same. Come back later this week to find out what love means to us!

It looks like lots of snow is ahead! Many children know lots of ways to ensure that we have a snow day tomorrow: wear pajamas inside out, put a spoon under your pillow, and flush an ice cube down the toilet! Stay warm and enjoy the snow!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

We celebrated Adam’s birthday today. He is turning 7! During snack time, we ate special cookie cupcakes with chocolate chips in the middle. They were really yummy! We went to gym. Coach talked to us about our hearts and timed us to see how quickly we can name the muscles and bones in the human body. Coach Hudson uses a stopwatch. He calls on someone to give it a try. Eesha had the world record for girls. Today Sasha beat the record of 9 seconds. Sasha was able to name the bones and muscles in 7 seconds! Hunter has the world record for boys. He was able to name the bones and muscles in 6.5 seconds. We need to name: flanges, abdominals, pelvis, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, femur, gastroc nemius, patella, biceps, triceps, and heart.

During math, we played Bears on the Bus. First, children acted out getting on the bus in two groups. We recorded the combinations and used a plus and equals sign to show how many. Then we practiced with bears and a partner. Everyone came together to share and arrange the number combinations. We even counted how many we found!

In the first week of our Over and Above All Stars, 38 questions were answered by 7 children! Congratulations Hunter, Sarah, Lauria, Eesha, Arlo, Dylan, and Dylan A. for giving it a try!

In just 4 days, we have already left 46 heartprints! Lots of children are recognizing when they or others do kind things. Please remember to send in examples of heartprints left at home so that we can continue to work towards our goal of 100 heartprints by the 100th day of school (now taking place AFTER vacation!).
Tonight is movie night at Cottage Lane. The PTA will be showing Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

PS-Sorry for the shortage of and abbreviated updates lately! All first grade teachers have been on “door duty” during dismissal time to make sure that the children are not walking too fast or slow, with nothing in their hands, and zipped up coats. It is during this time that we typically work on the blog.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Heartprint Project (Updated)

"A heartprint is formed when you do something kind. Your love touches others, leaving heartprints behind."
As the 100th day of school approaches (on February 12th), our class is trying to leave at least 100 heartprints. Heartprints are gestures of kindness and love towards others, without expecting anything in return. The idea stems from the book, Heartprints, by P.K. Hallinan. (Hello Mr. Hallinan, if you are reading this!) It is a beautiful story that demonstrates consideration of others and portrays children performing caring deeds for others.
We are working to recognize the kind acts and gestures done for one another in our classroom.

1. When Dylan kept giving me hugs, she made me feel very happy. –Sasha
2. I fell and Sasha took me to the nurse and I felt a lot better. –Victoria
3. One time I did not have anyone to play with but then Sarah offered to play with me. With love, Lauria
4. Stephen and Dlyan A. always help to clean up the room at dismissal time. –Ms. Stern
5. Lauria always gives me hugs at some point during each day. –Ms. Stern
6. When none of the boys let me play, Vicky made them play with me. –Dylan A.
7. When I got hurt outside, Victoria helped me up and took me to the nurse. –Nancy
8. Today I knocked into a table. Drew asked if I’m okay. –Adam
9. Lauria helped me clean up the journals. She’s the best helper ever. –Sasha
10. Anthony helped me push in the chairs. –Nancy
11. In camp I had no one to swim with and Adam came. –Drew
12. When I feel bad Meaghan helps me feel better by giving me hugs. –Emma
13. Meaghan taught me how to jump rope. –Emma
14. I fell on my knee and Eesha asked if I was okay. –Victoria
15. Lauria said, “Here’s your lunch box.” –Dylan A.
16. When I was alone and no one was playing with me, Dylan A. said, “I will play with you.” –Jacob
17. Sasha gives me lots of hugs. –Emma
18. Anthony threw my scraps away for me. –Emma
19. One day when I fell, Lauria said, “Are you okay?” I went, “No.” Lauria went to tell Mrs. Graff about it. Then Emma took me to the nurse. –Eesha
20. Jacob kindly reminded Hunter to look at our rule chart. –Ms. Stern
21. Sasha helped me clean up the journals. –With love, Lauria
22. When I had something in my hair Meg took it out. –Sarah
23. Anthony offered to have a playdate with me when no one would play with me so I said yes. –Adam
24. Victoria offered to take Sasha to the nurse when she fell. –Ms. Stern
25. Eesha gave a light blue marker when we needed one. –Arlo
26. When I was cleaning up, Drew helped me. –Anthony
27. Adam offered me some of his homemade brownie during snack. Ms. Stern
28. I fell in the grass and twisted my ankle and Amanda helped me. –Nancy
29. I bumped my arm on a table and Adam asked if I was okay. –Drew
30. Sometimes Sasha hugs me. –With love, Lauria
31. I fell down. Drew came over and said, “Are you okay?” –Jacob
32. Jacob said he liked my shirt. –Dylan M.
33. Drew nicely asked if he could have a playdate with me. –Adam
34. Hunter went around cleaning up the classroom and pushing chairs in. –Ms. Stern
35. Victoria brought in a special treat for me that she made at home. –Ms. Stern
36. Lauria got my backpack when it fell. –Drew
37. On Monday at Gym, I fell down and Dylan A. asked if I was okay. –Jacob
38. Meaghan helped Nancy take her coat off this morning. –Ms. Stern
39. Lauria has been saying a prayer every night for two very ill children at P.S. 105. Every afternoon she asks how they are feeling. –Lauria’s mom
40. Victoria let me use her jump rope. –Sarah
41. Lauria helped me feel better at lunch time. –Dylan
42. I wanted the gel glue stick and Jacob gave it to me. –Dylan A.
43. Jacob used really kind words when asking his classmate to make room for him at his spot on the rug. –Ms. Stern
44. When I was sad
45. I was cleaning the tables and Sasha helped me. –Victoria
46. Meg said that she would give me a present since I was in the hospital. –Sarah
47. Lauria cleaned the table for my table. –Anthony D.
48. Meaghan wrote a thank you note to her cheerleading coach for a great season. –Meaghan’s dad
49. This morning I wanted the clear scissors and Stephen gave them to me. –Lauria
50. Meg told me I was a good mom. –Meaghan’s mom
51. Meaghan allowed my friends and me to play with a lot of her toys. –Maggie (Meaghan’s sister)
52. Dylan M. helped me choose something from the Bucket of Prizes. –Lauria
53. Before morning meeting, Victoria said that I have good handwriting. –Sasha
54. Eesha asked me if I was okay when I slipped. –Drew
55. Eesha said she likes me. –Dylan M.
56. Meg made me laugh a lot. –Meaghan’s mom
57. Eesha donated two braids of her hair to Locks of Love. Eesha has loved her long hair but happily agreed to cut it off for their cause. –Eesha’s mom
58. Anthony was kind to his dad when he was sick. –Anthony’s mom
59. Anthony gently kissed and pet the dog. –Anthony’s mom
60. Amanda made me a beautiful valentine picture over the weekend. –Ms. Stern
61. Jacob helped me open my jacket when the zipper was stuck. –Dylan A.
62. Amanda used words of kindness and support. –Amanda’s mom
63. When I needed an eraser, Dylan M. gave me one. –Hunter
64. Meg picked up her room when it got messy. –Meaghan’s mom
65. Anthony made me laugh about the whole week. –His cool bro, Joey
66. Each morning, Stephen unpacks very quickly and shows that he is excited about learning! –Ms. Stern
67. Amanda took care of a baby without being asked. –Amanda’s mom
68. Meaghan helped me clean the kitchen. –Meaghan’s mom
69. Eesha helped her papa and me move stuff to our new home. She chose to carry and unpack and help in whatever way she could. –Eesha’s mom
70. Dear Eesha, Thank you for helping me! –Love, Sarah
71. Anthony made cookies for his family. –Anthony’s mom
72. Meaghan and Sarah tried to help Emma unzip her coat when the zipper got stuck. –Ms. Stern
73. In the YMCA, Dylan M. helped me find a lot of light blue beads. I thought that was kind. –Eesha
74. Victoria gave up a pair of cards she won in a matching game because the other player didn’t have any. –Victoria’s mom
75. Dylan M. picked up a bunch of papers that had fallen on the floor. –Ms. Stern
76. Hunter gave me a hug today, just to say I love you. –Hunter’s dad
77. Meaghan helped her sister make her bed. –Meaghan’s dad
78. Eesha helped her baby sister to wear her sleep sac before she went to bed. Eesha is always a BIG, LOVING help as an older sister. –Eesha’s mom
79. Drew helped me clean up the blocks. –Victoria
80. Meaghan handed me my coat. –Lauria
81. Eesha helped me when I fell. –Meaghan
82. Amanda was very helpful in finding a triangle block for Dylan A. during recess. –Mrs. Graff
83. Anthony D. helped me sort my money. –Gina (Anthony’s sister)
84. When my jacket fell Emma picked it up. –Amanda
85. Mrs. Spiro let me know how patiently Anthony D. waited in her office. –Ms. Stern
86. Sasha gave her little cousin Lily her baby toys. –Sasha’s mom
87. Drew moved out of my spot when I asked him to. –Sasha
88. Sasha behaved very well while her big sister was babysitting. –Sasha’s mom
89. Lauria helped me make Valentine projects for my students in religion class. –Lauria’s mom
90. Dylan A. did all of his valentines, extra credit work, and homework while home on a snow day (and I was at work!). –Dylan’s mom
91. In the hall, when I was doing the attendance with Sarah, she said nice things about me like I sit nicely. –Eesha
92. Hunter cheered me up today by telling me jokes. –Hunter’s mom
93. Sasha behaved well for the 2nd night in a row when her big sister was babysitting! –Sasha’s mom
94. Stephen carried 2 cases of water upstairs for me! –Stephen’s mom
95. Dylan A. shared his cookies with me. –Dylan’s mom
96. Victoria offered to help me fold the clothes. She was a very big help! Thank you. –Victoria’s mom
97. When I needed a pair of scissors, Hunter and Lauria rushed to give me a pair. –Ms. Stern
98. Victoria helped me with my Time for Kids. –Dylan A.
99. Anthony D. helped me pick up my valentines. –Dylan A.
100. Meaghan invited me to her house. –Lauria
101. Stephen played nicely with his brother Chris for an hour! –Stephen’s mom
102. Dylan got me my coat for me. –Meaghan
103. Hunter made a special drawing and wrote a nice birthday card for his brother. –Hunter’s mom
104. We discussed chores over dinner. Eesha’s chore is to set the table. Eesha said she’d like to add folding laundry to her list of chores. Eesha is a responsible and important team player of the family. –A delighted mother of Eesha!
105. Victoria and Emma and Jacob helped me clean my spill. –Dylan A.
106. Jacob offered to help his brother Noah write his valentine cards for his class because it was taking him a long time. –Jacob’s mom
107. Victoria said she would get my jacket. –Sasha
108. When my jacket was stuck, Victoria helped me. –Drew
109. When I fell on my knee Jacob came to help me. –Nancy
110. When I needed a blanket Drew shared with me. –Hunter
111. Lauria brought my lunch box to me. –Victoria
112. Eesha’s Tae Kwan Do teacher gave her a lollipop after class. She went to ask her teacher for a lollipop for her little sister Roma and also picked Roma’s favorite flavor-banana. –Eesha’s mom
113. Emma is very thoughtful and generous. When I bring her to my office she brings everyone a cup of fresh water without them even asking! She also makes them laugh with her bright sense of humor! –Emma’s mom
114. Amanda took care of her great grandma! –Amanda’s mom
115. Eesha gave up her stool in the bathroom and kitchen for her younger sister. She does so very good naturedly. There are times when I have to make sure that Roma is out of the bathroom in my arms so Eesha doesn’t feel like she has to give up every time! –Eesha’s mom
116. When I fell Lauria said, “Are you okay?” –Meaghan
117. Nancy helped me cook. –Nancy’s mom
118. Drew said, “Nice timing.” –Dylan A.
119. Victoria said in sign language that she loves me. –Sasha
120. Eesha accompanied me and Roma to the doctor because she wanted to make sure we were alright. Additionally, she felt she could cheer Roma up if she was scared of the doctor or if she got shots. Caring and loving Eesha is a blessing. –Roma (Eesha’s sister)
121. Nancy helped her friend clean up. –Nancy’s mom
122. Victoria volunteered to go through all her toys and donate ones that she doesn’t use. –Victoria’s mom
123. During the Rockland Read-In Dylan and Lauria shared their blankets with me without me asking! –Eesha
124. Meaghan said I have good handwriting. –Dylan A.
125. When I was unwell and using tissues for my cold, Eesha brought a waste paper bin to keep by my side so I could conveniently dispose of used tissues. This was so very thoughtful of her. Feeling cared for, Eesha’s mom
126. Nancy shared a few laughs with her classmates. –Nancy’s mom
127. Amanda bought presents for her sisters when with her grandma! –Amanda’s mom
128. When Emma’s step-dad was sick she brought him a bowl of fruit, a can of seltzer, and a big hug and kiss! –Emma’s mom
129. When I fell, Victoria, Sasha, and Emma took me to the nurse. –Meaghan
130. At snack I tripped over Hunter’s chair and he helped me up. –Lauria
131. Jacob winked at me. –Dylan A.
132. Arlo’s little sister, Tessa, cut her hair very short by herself this week. Arlo quickly reassured her that she still looks very cute in her new hairdo! –Arlo’s mom
133. Sasha offered to help me carry my bag in. –Lauria
134. Jacob gave our friend Barbara one of his favorite Bakugon balls as a gift because she liked them. –Jacob’s mom
135. Nancy helps her dad around the house. –Nancy’s mom
136. Eesha folded the laundry beautifully without my asking her to. -A very thankful mother of Eesha!
137. Victoria handed me a pencil when I needed one. –Meaghan
138. One day I got out of the shower and noticed Emma had a whole outfit picked out for me with a note that said, “XOXO Love, Emma.” –Jase (Emma’s step-dad)
139. When we were outside Victoria taught me how to jump rope backwards. –Meaghan
140. Yesterday, at my playdate, I wanted to play hangman and Eesha let me. –Lauria
141. Eesha helped me fold my Time for Kids. –Sasha
142. Dylan shares her Nintendo DS with her little brother. –Dylan’s mom
143. Dylan reads to her little brother. –Dylan’s mom
144. Victoria surprised her dad by writing a nice note and putting a little treat in his lunch. Nice job! –Victoria’s mom
145. Drew helped me by cleaning his room. Thank you! –Drew’s mom
146. Eesha and Lauria greeted me on the first day after February break with a beautiful bookmark that the made me! –Ms. Stern
147. Dylan shared all of her toys with her cousins. –Dylan’s mom
148. Drew helped me by cleaning off the kitchen table (and washing it down, too)! –Drew’s mom
149. Eesha gave me a piece of paper. Thank you! –Jacob
150. Drew helped me carry the laundry down the stairs! –Drew’s mom
151. Eesha helped her dad set up the new house. She helped measure the walls, she unwrapped the mats, and placed them at the entrances. –Eesha’s dad
152. Meaghan said I did really well. –Dylan A.
153. Eesha took excellent care of her little sister Roma. She put on her shoes and jacket; combed her hair; played with her and kept her happy! -Very thankful little Roma and Eesha’s mom
154. When Eesha asked me how she could help with Roma, I told her the best way is if she takes care of herself and is responsible. Lately, Eesha has been very responsible and obedient. –Eesha’s mom
155. Drew helped me mop the floor…what a great job! –Drew’s mom
156. Drew gave me the marker when I wanted it. –Anthony D.
Please help us reach our goal by looking out for heartprints left behind by your child outside of school. Each time your child shows a gesture of love or kindness, please record a quick description telling what your child did on a heartprint (though siblings, grandparents, and others can fill one out as well) and have your child bring the heartprint back to school.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to recognize and record your child's thoughtful ways. Hopefully, we will surpass our goal of 100 heartprints well before we reach the 100th day of school!