Friday, April 3, 2009

Blogging Challenge #2: Things That Are White

Things That Are White

We worked in partners to brainstorm as many objects as we could think of that are or could be white. Mrs. Jacobs' class did the same activity. Next week, we're going to compare our results.

Remember, if you think of more things that fit this category, leave them in the comments section. Can't wait to see what else you think of!!

This is what we came up with so far:

shirt, paper, teeth ,glue, fan, crayons, snow, bin, crate, book, lunchbox, tissue, milk, container, wood, stick, shark, bridge, car, bird, house, cup, carpet, blanket, pillow, pencil, computer, uniform

eggs, refrigerator, teeth, paper, tissue, plane, shirt, net, smoke, igloo, baskets, crayons, fan, eyes, microwave, water bottle, snow, snowman,shoes, boat, ball, vanilla ice cream, glue stick, folder, hanger, dice, car, pants, house, cream cheese, White House, books, clock, moon

tissue, teeth, paper, dove, paper towel, napkin, fan, house, hair band, tissue box, White House, gloves, snow, bear, t-shirt, refrigerator, light, wall, clock, Smartboard, clouds, folder, sky, metal, bottle, flowers, hat, cup, heater

paper, clouds, teeth, shirts, bubbles (bath), bath tub, polar bear, snow, eggs, tooth brush, clock, sprinkles, crayon, marshmallow, toilet, pupa, jacket, eyeballs, tennis balls, hats, glue stick, rocks, tissue paper, moon, dogs, baseball, cup, flowers, bags, Smartboard

tissue, diaper, shirt, sneakers, laces, fan, unicorn, igloo, net, dog, smoke, face of a watch, paint, clouds, swan, underwear, paper, egg, cow, chicken, cap of a water bottle, stripes, teeth, napkin, coat, spelling book, books, Smartboard, glue, ice pop, bathtub,toilet, feather, rabbit, snow, snowman, car, paper towel, towel, clothes, closet, socks, ice cream, clone trooper, Luke Skywalker, White House, pillow, clock, goal, skunk, flag, flowers

teeth, shirt, sneakers, igloo, tissue, pans, crayon, paper, inside of our eyes, skirt, light, house, napkin, coat, cup, folder, water bottle, bag, dresser, paint, tiles, eraser, pencil, bunny, snowman, snow, cars, door, headband, socks, glasses, clouds, sink, clock, money, house, White House, dress, tub, pillow, clip, lunch box, cheese, dog, cat, hat, flowers, chips,mouse, garage, egg

tissues, glue, snow, light, shirt, paper, paint, egg, wall, teeth, clouds, socks,igloo, pillow, crayon, home

shirt, teeth, paper, paper towel, lights, tissues, egg, snow, clock, frosting, crayon, folder, marshmallow, toilet paper, pupa, bag, wall, tights, hat, water bottle, hand sanitizer (top), Smartboard, necklace, White House, dog, flowers, hair, tub, nails, house, eraser, shoes

cloud, sock, walls, teeth, table, water bottle, planet, clock, tub, word, background, calendar, Uggs, paper, shirt, basket, light, ball, tissue, hair, bus, stuffed animal, house, hat, cooler


Unknown said...

Hi Miss Stern,

Shaving cream, whipped cream, my house, a door in our guest bedroom, my mom's shirt, curtains and my cousin's dog (bichon frisee)are all white.

from Kevin

Ms. Stern said...

Excellent thinking, Kevin! The shaving cream and whipped cream made me think of a few other things that are white.

Let's see if you and your classmates can continue to add to this list!

Happy thinking! :)

Daniel said...

Miss Stern,
Sheets, clouds, lightning, candles, stars, moon, paint, baseball, home plate, plate, license plate, shoe laces, sneakers, flowers, cauliflower, ice cream, cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, light bulb, underwear, soap, hand cream, foam, are all things that can be white.

From Daniel Murphy

Jessica said...

Hi Ms. Stern,
A frend's door, a light, an evnlope , a rfirgater, a bowl, a chair, boys' underwear, glue, milk, snow, sink are all white.

from Mia

Ms. Stern said...

Daniel and Mia,
You both came up with some terrific ideas! I hadn't thought of the cauliflower, license plates, or an envelope. Great thinking.

Ms. Stern said...

More things that are white from Kaitlyn:

floor tile
ceiling fan

Unknown said...

mushrooms are white, teapots are white, golfballs are white, flowers are white, mugs are white, horses are white, cameras are white, seashells are white, pillows are white, legos are white, notebooks are white, helmets are white
from Sam

Ms. Stern said...

Wow! Boys and girls, I'm blown away by your work. Our list is getting close to 200 objects long! Pretty impressive!

Sammy and Kaitlyn, excellent job. I can tell you were super sleuths around your house this afternoon!

Perez said...

White Things from Micheal:

ricotta cheese
light switch plate
our radiator
space heater
albino tiger
polar bear
mini blinds
kitchen curtains
bubble gum
white clock in our bathroom
laundry basket
trash bag
extension cord
bath towels
our house
kitchen table and chairs
white feathers
can opener
light bulb

lucille naclerio said...

Hi Ms. Stern

Soccer balls are white, zebras have white stripes, penguins have white on them, my sisters slippers are white inside, my cat has white paws, my fence in the backyard is white and my moms laptop is white too.

Good night

CarlyAnne said...

Hi Ms. Stern! It's Carly.
Some more things that are white are:
My Grandpa's hair
A Baseball
A Hen
The white of your eyes
The New York Yankee's uniform
Toilet paper & paper towels
My white Yankee Bear named Yogi
Scotch Tape
My white blankey
The White House
My brother Billy's TZ shirt
A white puffy cloud in the sky
My sheets on my bet
My toaster
The Minne-Ha-Ha in Lake George
A parachute
Easter gloves
A glue stick
My birthday cake
My brother's socks (the clean ones)
Our house
An ice cream truck
Vanilla ice cream
Whipped Cream
The rain water jug outside
White pizza
An envelope
A polar bear
A white cute little kitty cat
A white cute little puppy dog

Anthony Cosimano said...

Anthony says that Ms. Stern's cieling in her classroom is white. Olivia's door to her closet is white. Feathers on a pillow we have are white. We also know that shirts, socks, pages of books are white. Also, lightbulbs are white.
Both our cats have white patches of fur on them. the letters on our key board are also white. Whipped cream, soap and milk are white, too.

Joshua said...

Hi Miss Stern,

This is Joshua.

Mouse, the eraser on my pencil, a house, the walls, drawers, nail polish, liquid paper (white-out), soap, bathtub, sink, sand, glass, table, marshmallows, cruiseship, dog, shampoo and conditioner, bra, socks, eyeball, earrings, candy, bedcovers, sheets, looseleaf paper, copy paper, lamb, fence, dress, card, frame, notebook, ghost, swan, egg, q-tip, platter, plates, cups, rice cooker, oven, stove, refrigerator, santa's beard, curtains, blinds, daisy, blindfold, sign, mailbox, postman's truck, truck, chair, canvas, light bulb, bunny, fish, bow, skirt, bicycle, hello kitty, cat, pom poms, kitchen garbage bag, clock, closet shelves, door, blanket, light dimmer, light switch, calendar, hat, headband, sneakers, shoes, building, bones, bus, trains, airplane, jet, pole, colums, statue, copier, reading log, bird cage, laundry basket, telephone.

Jill Foody said...

Hi Miss Stern! It's me, Sean, and my mom. We thought of even MORE white items during the car ride home. We will list them for yu but keep in mind that all the other kids had so many words, it was hard to check if someone already said our items already. Here they are:
lamps, yarn, thread, string, pillows, blankets, tissue paper, vacuum, nets, outdoor furniture, POD storage containers, mailboxes, mailbox posts, window frames, garage doors, school signs, lines and words on the roads, plastic bags, gum, sheds, recycle boxes, gutters, chalk, straws, receipts, credit cards and bank cards.
Add those to the list I already did and my brain is officially empty.
Hope I class did great!!!

Ms. Stern said...

From Sean:
labels, cake, milkshake, nails, soap dispenser, hanger, Santa’s beard, wrapping paper, ipod, phone, Wii, milk, polka dots, White Castle, ghost, speakers, snow angel, Q-tip, cotton balls, tooth paste, stars, comb, brush, bra, deodorant, Antarctica, shampoo, conditioner, mousse, mayonnaise, white bread, cool whip, tags, marble, coconut, glue cap,lint, dryer, washing machine, sweater, thinking bubble, styrofoam
sunscreen, newspaper, potato, rice, salad dressing, sour cream, brick, zebra

Ms. Stern said...

Give yourselves a BIG pat on the back! So far, we have over 300 things that can be white!

Rebecca Mercado said...

Hi Ms. Stern

Plants, light bulbs, teeth,car,

From Rebecca

Zoe H. said...

My computer mouse, part of Gavin's shirt, baby wipes and the box they come in, diapers,.
