Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This morning we did a spelling review activity. It was sort of like a spelling test. Today we practiced short i, sight words, and a dictation. We are trying to remember to start sentences with upper case letters, end with punctuation marks, and have a finger space in between words.

Yesterday, we talked about using strategies to help us read. A strategy is like a plan to help us do things. During reading, we need strategies to help figure out tricky words. We learned to look at the picture. Today, we learned to get our mouths ready by looking at the beginning of the word. During private time, lots of children were able to figure out tricky words by using their strategies.

In P.E., we had stations. One station had balls to play with. Another station had rubber chickens that we threw up in the air and had to catch them before they hit the ground. At the football station, Darren practiced throwing the ball to his brother and to Sean. Nolan played with Joshua and Sammy. They were playing a game like jacks. The number that they picked up was the number of points that they got. Mia played with the beach and soccer balls. Isabella, Sophia, and Emily played soccer.

Today was our last day of “fancying up” our stories. People were working on coloring, creating a title and cover, fixing up spelling and handwriting, About the Author pages, and practicing rereading our stories to get ready for our Writer’s Celebration tomorrow.

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