Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This morning we had our first Reader’s Celebration during Reader’s Workshop! We signed a Reader’s Workshop Pledge. Zoe got to cut the tape to officially open our class library. Now we have another space for children to read, think, and handle books with care. We wrote about how we have grown as readers or what our goals are to continue to improve our reading skills. Sophia thought the best part was thinking and writing about her reading. Michael thinks he has gotten better at reading by doing it every day. Ms. Stern is so proud of everyone for working hard and sticking with it, even when reading felt frustrating or made people nervous.

In Music, we played with pink stretchy bands. We tugged on them to match the beat to music. Then, Mrs. Fox taught us a new song. It was called “Chihuahua.”

This afternoon, we reread EVERYTHING in our writing folders because we are getting ready to publish. We realized that we’ve done a lot of writing since the start of the year. Some pieces were better than others. In the middle of reading, the fire alarm went off. We had another fire drill! We came back inside after the drill was over. Our job was to choose the two best pieces. If people had time, they added on to their writing. We are really excited to start fancying up our writing and finish our first published piece of writing in first grade!

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