Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

This morning, Ms. Stern showed us the video of Punxatawney Phil that took place on Groundhog Day on Saturday. He saw his shadow. That means we have six more weeks of winter!

We read a story called Heartprints, by PK Hallinan. “A heartprint is formed when you do something kind. Your love touches others, leaving heartprints behind.” Heartprints are kind acts that are felt by others. Our goal is to catch people in our class leaving heartprints for friends, family members, and even strangers. We are going to try to catch at least 100 heartprints by the 100th day of school. Some examples of heartprints that have been left are:

-Kelsey made me a mask and she put a lot of effort into it! –Jackie
-When I wore my boots, I got 2 scrapes and Julia picked me to sit on the thrown because I was having a rough day. –Madison B.
-Alexis picked up my wallet when I dropped it in the hall. –Joseph B.
-Kelsey made Madison S. feel better when she missed her mom last week. –Ms. Stern

We are going to continue to do kind things at home. If someone at home catches us leaving heartprints, we are asking them to write about it on a heart.

Today Ms. Stern told us that the people who get all of the words correct on the pre-test would NOT have to take the spelling test on Friday. Also, even though those people also don’t have to do their homework, the nightly activities are optional and can be turned in anyway.

We had Art today. We finished our hearts for Valentine’s Day by finishing our patterns around the border. Some people finished and some still need to keep working.

Mrs. Spiro checked everyone’s heads to make sure no one had lice. Everyone was in the clear. When we came back to the room, we talked about how lice can spread so we are going to make sure that we don’t share any hair accessories.

This afternoon, we had Talking Stick. Lots of people talked about what they did during the Super Bowl. Many children stayed up late and had fun parties. A few children brought in things to share.

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