Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

This morning we had a substitute because Ms. Stern had to go to a meeting with the other first grade teachers. We watched a video about telling time. Joseph B. liked that it had all the math symbols in it. Justin thought it was funny because the characters were silly. After we watched the video, we used mini-clocks to practice telling time together.

We read Swimmy by Leo Leonni. The story is about a fish that escaped being eaten by different sea creatures. He was lonely until he met a school of fish. They learned to stick together and that even though they were all small, working together as a team made them better. Afterwards, we each decorated our own small fish and then Ms. Stern stapled them on to the bulletin board in the shape of one big fish, just like in the book.
After lunch, we had our bubble-blowing contest. People who wanted to participate had to sign up on the Smartboard. Madison S., Jackie, Conor, Alexis, Kelsey, Erin, Julia, Jonathan, Nevin, Casey, Mikey, and Ms. Stern all signed up. Julia learned just for the contest. Lots of kids could blow small bubbles. Kelsey noticed that some people could blow really big bubbles but when it was their turn to go, they didn’t blow such big ones. Sometimes bubbles popped on our faces. It feels so sticky! Ms. Stern was the winner. She has won every year for the past 5 years, except for one year when she tied. Erin thinks that’s because she’s the oldest and has had the most practice. She’s probably right.

Remember: the Year in Review will take place in our class on Monday morning at 9:45. We hope to see you there!

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