Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today we performed Gobble, Quack, Moon two times for the first graders in school.

The first performance was this morning and the second was in the afternoon. They were great because everybody was participating and everyone knew the songs. Some people were a little bit scared because it was the first time that we had an audience and some people haven’t put on a play before. We think that the first performance was better than the second because more people were trying their best. Joel wasn’t at the second performance because he left school early. We got to wear our costumes for the first time. They have animals on them. Some even had tails! Everyone was supposed to wear black pants.

Lily lost a tooth during Art today! This was her second tooth to fall out!
In Art, we got our heart blots back. This time, we made patterns around the hearts that had been blotted.

We are continuing to finish up our writing. We had to color, check our words and punctuation, and make sure we had a strong ending.

Ms. Stern has to leave now to go to a Smartboard meeting at another school so the children who are still here during dismissal will go to other classes to wait for their buses to be called.

Please remember to bring in your items for the cast party. We can’t wait to see you tomorrow at our performance!

1 comment:

renee said...

I loved that play - I wish we could do it again!
Jackie Morgentaler