Friday, November 16, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We discussed upcoming activities during the month of November. We found out that we are going to be making food and we are going to sample the dishes before our Thanksgiving break. Most of us finished fancying up our writing and are now published! We added a new poem to our poetry journal. First, we practiced reading all of the old poems together. We noticed that it’s getting easier to read them because we keep doing it over and over. Today was P.E. We were practicing our aim by playing a game called “Chicken in the Basket.” We had to try to get the chickens in the baskets. We also had to try and get the hockey pucks in the clown’s frown. Mrs. McCahill finally had her baby. She had a baby boy named John. We wrote about it during interactive writing. After a little break, we got back to independent reading. Cassie and Conor acted as our fish during a “fishbowl.” That meant that all of the students sit around the rug and listen and watch carefully to the people talking. Cassie and Conor showed us what a good partnership looks and sounds like. Joseph V. is famous. We saw his family’s pictures on the Journal News website. He spent the last few days in New York City doing lots of special activities with Mark Messier and the New York Giants.

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