Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mrs. Mesibov came in to teach us how to be “germ smart.” She read us a story. Some children used glitter to show how germs can spread, even though they’re so tiny that we can’t see them with our eyes. We also did 2 experiments. One used water, pepper, and soap. The soap made the pepper go away. It showed that germs don’t like soap because it helps to wash them off of us. The second experiment used vegetable oil and soap. It helped make the oil go away when they were mixed together in water. We learned songs about germs, found out the proper way to wash our hands, and got a chance to practice. At the end, we signed our Germ Smart pledge and tried working on a really challenging maze! Stephen liked doing the experiments. Anthony liked putting the pepper into the bowl. Dylan M. learned to get a paper towel before he washes his hands. Victoria learned that soap helps to kill the germs on your hands.

During Reader’s Workshop, we talked about readers having tools in their toolbox. Readers use tools to help us read just like builders use tools to help them build! Ms. Stern noticed children who used pictures as tools. She also noticed that Hunter found a pattern in his book that helped him read better. Adam was excited to shop for new books today and to be on a new level because his mom will be so proud!

We went to the library today. Mrs. Cornelius read us two stories. One was called The Scarecrow’s Hat. The other was The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything. In that book, there was a part that repeated on almost all of the pages. Dylan A., Jacob, Lauria, and Eesha liked the first book more. Drew, Dylan, Amanda, Hunter, Anthony, Anthony D., Sarah, Sasha, Victoria, Adam, and Meaghan liked the second one more.

In P.E. we played Turtle Tag. Everyone runs around. If you get tagged by a red Frisbee, you need to get on the ground and act like a turtle on its shell. We also played Clean Up Your Room.

Today was School Spirit Day. 8 children (and Ms. Stern) wore their SOCES t-shirts. 8 children were wearing red shirts. Towards the end of the day, all of the classes went into the main hallway. There was a REALLY long piece of white paper there for everyone to sign and draw on. Eesha drew her name with curves at the end. Dylan made a rainbow, flower, a sun, and stars. Jacob made a monster just like Arlo’s. Sasha drew a heart and wrote “Charlie and Zelda Rock.”

Tomorrow is Jacob’s birthday and our Halloween party and parade! Everyone is supposed to wear their costumes to school and leave any weapons at home! After the parade, we are going to be taking our costumes off (so please make sure to send in a change of clothes).

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