Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yesterday morning we had our Writer’s Celebration because we completed our first Writer’s Workshop unit. We started the day by practicing reading our story 3 times to ourselves to make sure that we could read them for others. We walked to the cafeteria, where all of the first grade classes were, and saw decorations on the stage curtains. The words “Congratulations Writers” were colorfully displayed and there were also red and white balloons. On the wall there were lots of pictures of children writing. There were even pictures of some of the kids in our class! Mrs. Polansky said she was so excited, she thought she might fall down! She (and Ms. Carr) were both so happy about the great writing and number of writers that were present. Next, they called the names of kindergarten teachers. When you heard your teacher’s name, you followed a first grade teacher to their classroom. Ms. Stern had the students from Ms. Graham’s class, including Stephen and Adam! Anthony also stayed in this class since he didn’t go to Schaefer last year. All of the first grade classes had two grown ups to listen to the stories. Our kindergarten teachers even made a special appearance to see us and listen to our stories! Amanda’s favorite part was when the kindergarten teachers’ names were called. Arlo liked the whole thing. Eesha liked when Mrs. Polansky said she was going to fall down. Sasha enjoyed meeting Mrs. Goldstein.

Today we started Monster Clues. Ms. Stern read us two books: Mompsters are Aminals and GO AWAY Big Scary Monster! Then we learned that we would be drawing a monster using clues that Ms. Stern’s class made last year. Some parts were tricky to follow and others were easy. At the end, we took a “Museum Walk” around each table to look at one another’s work. We talked about things that looked similar and parts that didn’t. After that, Ms. Stern showed us what last year’s class made School Queen (that’s the monster’s name) look like. We also saw other teachers’ drawings of the same thing. Later on, we started making our own monster. We’re almost done drawing what she will look like.

We had picture day. We waited in line in the cafeteria to have our pictures taken. Some people got their hair combed before they went. Ms. Stern was the last person to go. When she was done, we lined up by size and walked out to the gazebo to take our class picture. It was a little cold outside. Lots of kids wanted to stay outside and play.

During math, our observer, Ms. Harding, reviewed patterns with us. We learned that patterns are arranged in a special order and repeat themselves. Everyone got yarn and beads to make any kind of pattern, using 10 beads or less. People could share their necklace patterns when they were done.

Next week we have lots of events:
Tuesdsay-Caps for Kids
Wednesday-Art Fair (6:00 p.m.)
Thursday-School Spirit Day/Library
Friday-Halloween party

Have a great weekend!