Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010: Valentine's Day

Today was the Rockland Read In. Everyone in our class read from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. We took a quick break a little after 10:00 for a special snack. We had strawberries and special chocolate covered pretzels that EVERYONE in the class could enjoy! Everyone read different things. Some parents came to read as well. At times, people read in groups. There were lots of books to enjoy! Many children brought books in from home, read from their book bags, and read some others from our classroom library. Some parents brought in reading materials for themselves. Ms. Stern was reading a magazine for part of the time. She also read with other children. Emma thought the best part of the Read In was the snack. Adam enjoyed having his pillow and his mom here. Eesha liked when she, Sarah, and Lauria were taking turns reading together. In all, we spent about 1 hour and 52 minutes reading today!

After the Read In, we had our Valentine’s Day party. Lots of children passed out valentines. Our decorated mailboxes were filled with lots of goodies and special treats. Sasha enjoyed reading Eesha’s card because she was wondering what was in it. Dylan A. really liked the lollipops and poems.
We went to the gym. We played with Sammy Snake again. We had to jump a lot of times in a row. When someone missed a step, everyone had to start again. Coach Spitz was there for Coach Hudson, who was absent today.

Ms. Stern read us a few books: Heartprints (that’s how we start each day in the month of February), Today is Valentine’s Day, Knuffle Bunny Too, and That Yucky Love Stuff.

Thanks to everyone who stopped in to read with/to us today: Dylan’s mom, Jacob’s mom, Sarah’s mom, Eesha’s mom, Adam’s mom, Sasha’s mom, Victoria’s mom, Emma’s mom, Drew’s dad, step-mom, and grandparents, Anthony’s mom, and Amanda’s mom. Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your vacation and remember to keep those heartprints coming!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I had a lot of fun reading to Dylan, Eesha & Lauria. Thanks for letting me be a part of such a fun day.
Sandra Mundy