Friday, September 11, 2009

Reader's Workshop: Favorite Books

Dear Parents,

We are off to a wonderful school year together! We are continuing to get to know each other and I can see some great friendships forming. We have a very sweet class who are eager to learn new things.

We are about to begin our Reader’s Workshop. Our goals over the next few weeks are to make the children feel like readers and classroom management during Reader’s Workshop time. We will be learning how to handle books, where the books belong in our classroom, and what good readers look and sound like. This will take some time, but it is so important to establish these things from the beginning of the year.

We are asking that each child bring in one of their favorite books from home to keep at school for the month of September (please write your child’s name inside the book). This is a great way for all of us to see the different types of books we enjoy reading at home. The books will be kept in a safe basket in the classroom. Please have your child bring his/her favorite book to school by Tuesday. Those children that brought a book for the first day of school will use it for this purpose.

Thank you for your support! Have a terrific weekend.

Randi Stern

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