Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Today we tie dyed our Field Day shirts. The first step was to put rubber bands on our white t-shirts. Then, when we were finished, we put the shirts into the red dye. Nolan thought it was pretty hard putting the rubber bands on. The last “x” was the hardest! Some of us had sore fingers after we were done. After they soaked for a while, Ms. Stern took them out and removed the rubber bands. Everyone kept wanting to see their shirts when they were done. There were white circles left on the shirts! Zoe thought they looked really cool because the middle of the circles were red and then white and then red again. Ms. Stern brought the shirts outside to dry while the class was having snack recess.

We had music in the morning today. Ms. Cassetta’s class went on a trip so they went at our regular time.

We read 2 more chapters in The BFG. The first was called The Marvelous Ears and the second was called Snozzcumbers. Snozzcumbers taste horrible! They are as big as a kid and they look like cucumbers, except they are black with white stripes. The Big Friendly Giant (BFG) has very large ears. They work so well that he can hear animals and even insects talking from very far away. He is even able hear dreams that fly around in the air like bubbles.

During Reader’s Workshop, we read the fiction books in our book bags for 35 minutes. We are alternating days. Mia noticed it’s a pattern: non-fiction, fiction. During Writer’s Workshop, people are working on their non-fiction books. Most people have created their headings and chapters and gathered their facts. Now, lots of kids are combining their facts with their features.

Towards the end of the day, groups of children got to go to the library to exchange their books. Rebecca, Kevin, Sophia, Zoe, Mia, and Carly chose Robert Munsch stories!

Have a great weekend!

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