Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
This morning, we got free time during P.E. Nolan and Zoe played Wheel of Torture. Daniel won and Sean came in second place. Bartosz played soccer. Mia played with the gator ball.
We got to meet Jimmy for the first time today. Ms. Stern read a book called Turtle and Tortoise. Then, we started reading a story called Owen and Mzee. Next, we came up with rules for handling Jimmy. They are:
-Be careful and gentle
-Hold him like a sandwich
-Use quiet voices
-Stay in your spot
-Wash your hands!
Finally, Ms. Stern took Jimmy out to play! Everyone got a turn touching him. Lots of people got to turn him around if he walked toward us. Sammy thought Jimmy was a little bit nervous. Joan thought he felt kind of rubbery on his legs. We really liked getting to play with him. Kevin got to take Jimmy home for the weekend.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
During word study we reviewed the short a sound and made a list of short a words. Then we practiced some of our old poems. Next, everyone read My Puppy Buddy. We found short u words.
Recently, we’ve practiced marking pages in our books during private time to show parts that we want to discuss during partner time. Today, Ms. Stern had us mark a page with a post-it when we made a connection to the book.
Ms. Eyer came in to do an activity with us. We played games where we had to find and make words. There were boxes with letters inside. The activity was similar to the magic squares that we did last week. Sometimes, there were 3 letter words. Then there were 4 and 5 letter words. Next, we had to make words out of jumbled letters. Darren thought it was fun because he and Bartosz got to go up to the Smartboard and try to make a word. Here is a clip to a Disney site that has word jumbles like the ones we tried:
In P.E. we went outside and learned how to play new games on the blacktop. We played Tunnel Tag in the gym.
During Writer’s Workshop we discussed what good writers look and sound like. Then Ms. Stern asked us to go back to our seats to continue our writing. She took pictures of children who were showing the behaviors that we came up with.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
We had our first fire drill in first grade today. Everyone lined up. Michael was the last person so his job was to turn off the lights and close the door behind him. We earned a marble for our jar for doing such a nice job lining up and leaving the classroom quickly and safely.
Ms. Stern read us two books today. One was called First Grade Stinks! Anthony thought it was good that Haley liked first grade at the end of the story. Nolan liked when she got to read a chapter book and then liked first grade better than kindergarten. The other book that we read was called I Went Walking. After we read it together, everyone made their own version using describing words.
This morning during Reader’s Workshop we focused on how to avoid interrupting other children or Ms. Stern. Here are the interruptions and solutions that we thought of:
*Going to the bathroom-Try to go before or after Reader’s Workshop (unless it’s an emergency)
*Getting a drink-Bring a water bottle or wait until the workshop is over
*Getting stuck on a word-Use picture clues
*Someone is bothering me-Use your words to address the problem; stay focused; tell the teacher
*Finishing reading-Reread or choose one of your other books
*Not knowing what to do-Ask 3 friends at your table; leave a note for Ms. Stern if no one else can help
*Talking-Focus on your book and wait for partner time
*Getting out of your seat-Sit down; keep 3 books at your spot
Tomorrow we are going to try even harder to concentrate on our work, stay focused, and not interrupt others.
We had art today. We made self-portraits using pencils. Next time we will trace and color our work. Everyone at all of the tables earned two stars today! Stars are earned when people are good listeners and good workers.
During Writer’s Workshop, we learned that writers can use words in pictures. Sophia, Zoe, and Nolan all gave it a shot! We also concentrated on not interrupting to keep us from making mistakes and to allow everyone to be able to work carefully and quietly.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
This morning we had a bus drill. Before we went on the bus, we went into the gym to review the bus rules with Ms. Carr and Mrs. Polansky. After the assembly, we went on the bus to practice getting off safely if there were an emergency. Everyone hopped out of the back door. When we came back to the classroom, we celebrated Zoe’s birthday with cupcakes. Lots of people put frosting on their faces. Ms. Stern wasn’t too happy. She asked everyone to show good table manners.
During Reader’s Workshop, 3 more children shared their favorite books. Sammy, Isabella, and Kevin got to share their books. Next, we talked about what good reading looks like and what it sounds like. Ms. Stern gave us 10 minutes for private time. When the time was up we had partner time. We think it went well today.
This afternoon we had technology. First, we went over the rules: No food, drinks, or gum near the computers; Do not bang on the computers; Ask permission before using the computers. Then, we got to go on the computers. Mr. Tanenbaum showed us how to use a program called Buggles. It has different games that help us with our reading. When some people were on the computers, other children got to look at the books. Mrs. Edler said that we can take books home after we have our first library lesson with Ms. Eyer.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We met Teddy today! He is very shy so he doesn’t talk. He has been in the class the whole time and we didn’t even know it! Teddy wants to learn all about first grade and make friends. Ms. Stern allows Teddy to sit with a friend when they are making good choices and working hard. Isabella thinks Teddy is cute. Bartosz likes his sweater. It has a star on it.
During Reader’s Workshop, some people shared their favorite books. Darren shared his favorite story, Rumbles Christmas Magic, Emily shared Disney’s Princess Collection, and Mia shared The Midnight Unicorn. Today we learned that we will have private time to read (when we read by ourselves) and partner time (when we get to discuss the books that we read). Kaitlyn thought partner time was cool. She worked with Sammy. They talked about their books and read them to one another. We also talked about our favorite places to read. Many children prefer to read in their rooms on chairs or in their beds.
We learned another poem today. It was our third poem. The name of the poem is Alan’s Apples. We read it together on the Smartboard, highlighted the short a words, and then put a copy in our poetry journals.
We had Writer’s Workshop. We learned that writers choose the paper that they need. Some people need more lines and some people need more space to tell their stories through pictures. Yesterday, we learned that “When you’re done, you’ve just begun.” That means we will add more details to our pictures, we will add more words, and then start a new piece.
Tomorrow is Patriot Day. We are all going to wear red, white, and blue to school.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
We practiced reading a poem for our poetry journals. It was called Welcome to Our Classroom. Different children came up to the Smartboard to find kindergarten sight words that we recognized. After that, we cut out and pasted a copy in our poetry journals. Then we practiced reading it three times.
We also talked about ways that we want to grow and learn in first grade and came up with goals.
In P.E. we talked about the rules. We also played Skeletons and Mice. People who are the skeletons walk on the gym lines and the mice can run anywhere, even on the lines. If the skeletons tag the mice then they become skeletons, too.
Next week we will start spelling, Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, and homework! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
First Day of School!
The first day flew by! There never seems to be enough time in the beginning few days and the most important question that is asked is always, “When is it lunch time?” Today we read the story, Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes. We also played name bingo to get to know each other better. We will be settling into our normal routines and schedule over the next few days.
The specials schedule rotates on a 6 day cycle which is listed below. I always the daily special in the homework packet (which will start next week) so that you can make sure that your child is properly dressed and prepared. The schedule is as follows:
Day 1 (today)-PE
Day 2-Music
Day 3-PE
Day 4-Art
Day 5-PE
Day 6-Music
In the past, I maintained a class website that highlighted student work, resources, and photographs. The host site has closed so the information is currently off line. My hope is to recreate a new website this year and I will be sure to let you know when and where it ends up back online. In the meantime, we will be communicating via a blog. Please see the attached permission slip for more information.
If you have not sent in school supplies yet, please do so as soon as possible. Also, please provide a small healthy snack for your child each day. We will discuss all of these items and more in greater detail at Meet the Teacher Night (on Sept. 17th).
If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at or call me at school at 680-1301. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I’m sure that we will have an adventurous, fun-filled, and successful year in first grade. Thank you for sharing your child with me!